"Claire," Charmyne Palavi, and Australian Football Gang Rapes

After a woman who, fearing for her safety, called herself “Claire,” revealed the disgusting details of a gang rape that was perpetrated against her by an Australian football team, 100,000 people responded in support of the man who orchestrated the gang rape against her.

Charmyne Palavi, who also went on TV to reveal the reality of the football gang rape scene, was denounced on the Internet as a “lying head case,” and hateful messages were written toward her both by women and by men.

“Claire,” Charmyne, and everyone else who has experienced this and similar crimes: This is for you.

In an Internet discussion, an Australian man referred to Muslim men who gang rape young women in Sydney as “imported Muslim scum.” While that is indeed a fitting description of those people, I pose a question. Why is not the same epithet – minus the imported Muslim part - being applied to Australians who do the exact same thing to Australian women and teenage girls?

The people who are behind the “lying head case” statements are clearly abusers and liars. They are seeking to discredit and beat down the person who is coming forth to tell the truth. Telling the truth is a part of character and a part of integrity. So then why would the people who claim to have character and integrity be against it?

There is a single reason for it. They have neither of the preceding.

To women who have been joining in the attack on Charmyne and on “Claire”: Perhaps you deserve to go through what “Claire” had gone through. You would inflict it upon your fellow woman, so then why should it not be you that is being gang raped? This woman is somebody’s daughter, as well as a human being. As a man, and a father, I say quite clearly that if anyone did anything like this to my daughter, I will not rest until they all are in jail.

Now there are many football types who think that they’re real men who deserve to do this to women, and there are many women who think that they are real powerful men who will protect them and give them status and power. I pose this question. What are they up against a nuclear bomb? The French, whom they see as cowards; the Chinese, whom they see as blockheads; the Russians, whom they see as losers; the Americans, whom they see as conmen; and even a tiny nation like Israel; has enough real power to wipe them off the face of the Earth. The Taliban in Afghanistan, who believed that a man who does not beat his wife “does not have a penis,” thought they were real men as well, and for the same reasons. They did not last very long against real power.

And it is only the nobility, the self-restraint, and self-discipline, of those who have real power – the self-restraint and self-discipline which history shows repeatedly to be the necessary component of real power - that allow thugs like the Taliban, the military dictators, the “imported Muslim” as well as Australian football gang rapists, to get away with thinking that they are kings.

This laissez-faire attitude on the part of real power allows for creation and perpetuation of all kinds of hideousness and absurdity. Petty despots, criminal organizations, terrrorist groups, paramilitaries, thugs, and all kinds of barbarians, then start claiming that they are the real men, or the genuine article, or the true culture of the places that they infest and use this usurpation to commit horrendous violations against the people whom they are claiming to represent. Gangsters start thinking that they are the true black people; militias start thinking that they are true Americans; Taliban starts thinking that they are true Middle East; and groups like the Black Shirts and the football gang rapists start thinking that they are the true Australian men. All of these are wrong. They are not the truth of the people they claim to speak for, they are the worst and the ugliest in the people they claim to speak for. And it is time that the people for whom they claim to speak stop letting them get away with this usurpation of their authority. There are far better men in Australia than Black Shirts or gang rapists, just as there are far better black people than gangsters, far better Americans than militiamen, and far better Middle Eastern people than Taliban; and it is time that these better men in Australia start to speak as true men of Australia and put these degenerates in their place.

The people – and I use the term loosely - who think that it is part of manhood to brutally gang-rape teenage girls and young women – or to beat their wives, or to molest their daughters, or to assault women who've left men who beat them and molested their children - are not real men that they claim to be. What they are, is swine. And like swine flue is infecting people, so are these swine the leading cause of death and disability in Australian women. It is time that better men speak for Australian manhood and put a stop to this vile affliction that is eating away at the soul of this beautiful country and the people who live in it.


Anonymous said...

If you do your research you'll find out the huge difference between the Muslim gang and the football team - the Muslim gang were charged by police and found guilty. The football team were investigated by police who interviewed over 80 people 7 years ago when she reported it and no charges were laid. She brought it up again last week publicly and named 1 player (none of the players were named 7 years ago as no charges were laid). Some of her former workmates have come out this week to say that Claire is lying, that she bragged about the sex, and often had group sex with footballers. Her parents were interviewed by a TV station last week and they didn't even know about it - surely the family would know if it actually happened. So Claire has no credibility at all. If the players were charged and found guilty no one would defend them. Consensual group sex is not illegal.

Against Rape supporters said...

Anonymous, If you did your research, properly you would be as disgusted as most people are. If you have ever been involved in a class action law suit, you would be amazed at how many people get together and lie - especially if they were part of such a gross act. It was consensual for the first two, but the rest was rape. The police force in australia is the second highest male dominated police force in the world. It is no wonder, it was investigated consistently to the support of male perpetrators. How many women have died because the police would not take her seriously in Domestic violence?

real men said...

Dear Anonymous-surely you can't be thinking the 'football culture' is some big feminist organisation. Stop harping on abouyt "Clare" and look at the bigger picture if you are man enough. I absolutely support the comments of 'against rape' and I'm sorry to say you are just revealing your myopic views on life in general. I dare you to educate yourself about the real power dynamics involved in rape. I know this will be a challenge for a man such as yourself who has obviously never really had a great education in this area-but yuou can change yourself and evolve.Embrace this opportunity you are being given by people who believe in real equality.

Anonymous said...

The double-standard of people like Anonymous 1 are usually lost on people like Anonymous 1. Like so many of the unthinking punters who unthinkingly put finger-to-keyboards across the blogosphere, they were unified in condemning "Claire" as a liar. Yet, in the same breath, the sainted Claire's colleague's account to the chequebook journalists as gospel truth written in stone. The truth is this; none of us will never really know what happened to Claire in that New Zealand motel room. What has been revealed is that far too many Australians seem to think a man with an erection has a carte-blanche to use that erection as he pleases with immunity and any woman who has the temerity to behave as though she were free deserves what she gets. Yes, these Australians are, unwittingly, in league with the derided Islamic cleric Hilali who condemned assaulted women as "uncovered meat".Shame on these people.